marți, 12 aprilie 2011

other English lessons in our family

Long time ago Dad had an English course at the Faculty. So Mom asked him to teach her English. He answered "Very well, lesson number one: I love you! Now you should answer "I love you too!"".
Mom was happy to find out the first lesson in English. Few days later she asked him again about the English lessons.
He answered: "Lesson number two: I love you very much!".
They are still practicing those lessons!

the most important two words in English

Last week Mom asked me to start chatting with her in English. We had a hard time together since she does not know too many words. But today she discovered two useful words which helped us feeling like finally chatting. I hope you are already curious. I will describe you our last chatting to find out yourself the mysterious words.

Me: "Mom is the soup done?"
Mom: "WHAT?"

Me: "I am hungry!"
Mom: "WHY?"